Welcome to the community!Thank you for reaching out to Families CCAN. In order to help provide the most relevant information, please complete this form so that we can learn a bit about your family. We look forward to speaking with you! Your name * First Name Last Name Your email address * Name of your family member with disabilities * First Name Last Name Age of your family member with disabilities * County (if you live in Pennsylvania) What topics would you like to discuss with Families CCAN Staff? * Transition From High School Post-secondary education Volunteering and Employment Formal/paid Supports Person-centered planning Housing Social Connections Communication Supports Waiver advocacy/information/access One on one consultation with Families CCAN Families CCAN Workshops Other (please list below) Other topics you'd like to discuss: Does your family member currently receive Waiver services? * Yes (please list name of waiver below) No They are on the waiver waitlist I am not sure If applicable, which waiver does your family member have? What else would you like us to know about your family? Thank you for your answers! Someone from Families CCAN will be back in touch shortly.