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February Resource Meeting (via Zoom): Getting Your Own Place: Myths and Facts, Part 2

Join us to learn about Housing from Self Advocates United as One (SAU1) Power Coaches!

For the past year and a half, Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a grant project . This project is funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council. To learn more about this project, click here.

This presentation will share some common myths about housing for people with disabilities, and then help to explain why those myths are not true.

This presentation is is the second in a series.

You do not need to have attended the first Housing Myths and Facts presentation in order to attend this presentation.

If you would like to watch the first presentation in this series, you can find it here in our archives. It is the March 2024 recording.

This will be an informative and interactive presentation geared towards older teens and adults with disabilities, as well as their families, and the professionals who support them.

February 18

Families CCAN Cook (via Zoom)

March 4

Families CCAN Cook (via Zoom)